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"Having known Sylvia professionally and personally for over 15 years, and working in the Energy Medicine field, I was intuitively guided to reach out to her for some HelioSol sessions. 

I had been working intuitively with my own multi-faceted toolbox of downloading frequencies of Light, Colour, Geometry, Light Language, Light Codes, and Art, as well as my background in other Energy Medicine modalities for 20 years, but I just knew Sylvia had some missing puzzle pieces that could take areas to the ‘next level’. As an avid student of ‘our multidimensional potentials’, I felt it would assist in some way to provide me a different perspective or awareness, to what I was channeling and intuiting with my sessions. 

I am so happy to have incorporated the extensive and expansive system that Sylvia has created, into my life and my services. I have discovered new ways to assist myself and my clients, and a much deeper insight into the Human BodyMind and Souls Journey.

Sylvia’s teaching and educational style is so thorough and structured, yet vast and inclusive to what and how I am already working. Plus the ease, depth, and practical application for myself, family, and my clients, is truly magic!

Thank you Sylvia for such a wonderful Glossary of Light and wisdom."

Vanessa Sumner, Australia

"How can I express my gratitude for your kindness in helping me in this moment? The session was amazing because I could feel the amelioration of my stomach issues. I could feel the pain disappear – which was strange because the pain was so strong before that I thought “I don’t remember how it is in my body without this pain!!” I was able to sleep (short but good). I woke up feeling very strong and it stayed all day long: very energetic and mentally clear, all perfect! We still have a lot of work ahead, but I still feel strong."
Léopoldine W., France


"HelioSol is an extremely powerful healing system and I have experienced almost instantaneous transformation after receiving a session. Following the sudden loss of my father I was finding it difficult to sleep and was having panic attacks but this quickly settled down after a treatment. For anyone who would like to shift their bodymind to a more balanced state I really could not recommend this highly enough."
Sarah C., Portugal


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