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These products are supplemental to the HelioSol courses. 

(Please remember that all sales are final, so think about it before you purchase!)

To purchase a course, go to Course Subscriptions.

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Journey to the Magical Healing Place (mp3)

The mind is a powerful healing tool that you can learn to harness. The Journey to the Magical Healing Place process gives you the means to access that incredible healing power. Through music and visualizations, you are led into your alpha state of mind. In the alpha state, you can engage your healing process, tackle emotional challenges, problem-solve, or tap into your creativity. You will be amazed at how our body and mind will respond to using the technique on a regular basis.

To purchase click here.

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Consciousness Lecture (mp3)

This hour-long lecture provides an overview of the role that consciousness, emotions, belief systems, and dualistic thinking play in the manifestation of disease and imbalance in the bodymind and how that balance can be restored.

To purchase click here.

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Bewusstsein Vorlesung (mp3)

Diese Vorlesung bieted einen Übervbick über die Rolle die das Bewusstsein, Emotionen, Glaubensmuster und dualistishches Denken in der Entstehung von Krankheit und Dysbalance im KörperGeist-Komplex spielen.

Zum Kauf hier klicken.

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